Have you runalysed ?

Small tweaks to your running style could improve your running speed & efficiency to achieve your personal best timing.



Find out where you’re at.
Starting with our free intake assessment, we’ll determine where to safely begin your running journey.

Run Session 

Data collection by Runpundit
Runpundit will work with you to collect data on various aspects.


Analyse the data
Collected data enables us to answer relevant questions and evaluate outcomes


Design a plan that works
Together we’ll design a plan that’s tailored to your unique goals and needs — and how to help you achieve them


Practice and succeed.
Because the path to success isn’t “one size fits all,” we’re committed to getting you to the finish line.

The Fee

The fees is customized based on the time , effort and output. Since each runners requirement is unique the fees will vary from runner to runner. The pricing and payment schedule details will be discussed with you in advance. This could typically vary from INR 750 to INR 1000 per session.


    Achieve your running potential starting today.

    Fill out our free intro assessment and we’ll set up a time to discuss a plan that works for you.

    Take Assessment

    Have questions?

    I’d love to answer them for you.


    +91 90080 00028